3 Reasons To See A Urologist

Urologic problems can make life uncomfortable, challenging, and frustrating for men and women alike. Unfortunately, urologic problems, such as incontinence, painful urination, and lower stomach pain, can often be signs of other underlying problems. When do you need to seek the services of a urologist? While this answer varies based on your medical history, here are a few times you must make an appointment. 1. Blood In Your Urine One of the first signs indicating urological problems is often blood appearing in your urine. Read More 

A Knee Pain Stem Cell Treatment Might Repair Damaged Tissues And Reduce Your Knee Pain

If you have knee pain from a sports injury or arthritis that has turned into a chronic situation, you may be thinking about having knee surgery. You may want to talk to your doctor first about stem cell injections. When stem cells are injected into your knee, the progression of deterioration might slow down and your injured tissues may even regenerate so you can postpone or avoid surgery. Here's how knee pain stem cell treatments work. Read More 

How To Prepare For A Colonoscopy

If you've never had a colonoscopy and your doctor informs you that you need to get one it can bring up a lot of anxiety. The key to reducing this anxiety is to be as prepared as possible for the procedure. With a few preparation guidelines, you will feel more comfortable on the day of the procedure. Here's a closer look at how you can start preparing yourself for your colonoscopy procedure. Read More 

Could Your Brain Fog Be Related To A Sleep Disorder? 3 Benefits Of Going To A Sleep Clinic

During the past few years, brain fog has been a major topic in the news that often gets related to lengthy COVID recoveries. While foggy thinking could be related to this condition, it is also important to remember that sleep disruptions are a common cause of people experiencing noticeable changes in their cognitive functioning. Sleep disorders disrupt the important processes that your brain needs to recover from the strain of each day. Read More 

Dealing With Alcohol Addiction? How Medical Cannabis Can Calm The Withdrawal Symptoms

If you're trying to overcome your addiction to alcohol, it's time to talk to your addiction counselor about medical cannabis. Depending on the severity of your addiction, withdrawal symptoms can get quite uncomfortable. That's where medical cannabis use comes into the picture. Medical cannabis can help calm the symptoms you experience while your body detoxifies. Not sure how medical cannabis can help with your alcohol recovery program? Read the list provided below. Read More