2 Dental Rinses For Protecting Your Nance Appliance From A Bacterial Infection

When your dentist installs your nance appliance the device is cemented onto your molars. This is done to ensure that your molars remain in place while wearing the device. The appliance also includes wires that run along your teeth. While these wires are not as constricting as braces, they can still trap food and other debris. If the debris is not removed, it can result in plaque buildup as well as a bacterial infection. Read More 

Treating Common Ailments In Small Children Learning To Walk

If you have a toddler who is just learning how to take their own steps, you will soon find out you need to watch them like a hawk to make sure they do not become injured as they learn this new feat. There are several injuries a toddler learning to walk can sustain very easily. Here are a few of the most common ailments caused by learning how to walk and how to effectively treat them. Read More 

3 Things To Look For In A Great Midwife

Becoming pregnant for the first time doesn't come with a manual or user's guide. That's why it pays to have a bit of help like a midwife. A midwife can serve as not only a helper, but a guide and friend before, during, and after your pregnancy. However, there are certain things to be on the lookout for when it comes to choosing the perfect midwife. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn about just a few things to look for when it comes to choosing your midwife. Read More 

A Newbie’s Guide To Participating In A Clinical Trial

Making the decision to complete a clinical study for the first time isn't easy. Not only are you trying medication that has yet to be approved, but the entire clinical process is new to you, too. Fortunately, you don't have to go into the study not knowing what to expect. Learn what happens during clinical trials so that you know what to expect. Getting the Details of the Study After you've shown interest in a clinical trial, your doctor or the clinical staff will set aside time to discuss the details of the clinical trial with you. Read More 

Will I Catch A Sinus Infection From My Husband?

A Sinus infection, also called sinusitis and rhinosinusitis, is an inflammatory condition of one or more of your sinus cavities. They are caused by a variety things, including allergies, autoimmune problems, and viruses. If you are wondering if your husband's sinus infection is contagious, the answer is: it depends. There are three types of sinusitis infections. Keep reading to learn more about both of them so you can determine if you will catch your husband's sinus infection. Read More