The new year is starting, and with its arrival you can and likely will take a look at yourself and your personal habits and priorities to determine how you are going to make adjustments and changes in the new year. One of the areas you may not have thought of but should keep in mind when deciding how to improve yourself in the new year is to make your eye health a priority going forward.
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There are a number of teeth whitening kits available at your local drug store. Price and convenience are a draw for many people. But when you compare the risks and results of a kit versus using a cosmetic dentist, it's likely that you'll be much happier with the results from your dentist. Here is how the whitening process differs between the two approaches.
Teeth Whitening By a Professional
Your dentist will first clean the plaque and tartar off of your teeth, because the whitening agent won't come into contact with the tooth enamel otherwise.
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Arthritis is a condition that affects many older people, and is largely believed to be a malady that only the elderly deal with. However, according to a recent article published, arthritis in children is actually quite common. This condition causes pain in the joints, and can lead to severe joint damage and decreased mobility if left undiagnosed and untreated.
Signs and Symptoms of Juvenile Arthritis
One of the most common symptoms of juvenile arthritis is joint pain; this pain is generally worse after a nap or a full night's sleep.
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Your health can be reflected by your hair. Your body talks to you every time you lose hair or have those ugly flakes showing up uninvited. You may need to take extra time and take care of your health. After all, your hair is an extension from your body. The question is: how much do you know about what your hair is trying to tell you?
Special shampoos can treat dandruff easily, but those thick patches may be psoriasis.
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When cold and flu season is here, you want to do everything you can to keep yourself from getting sick. In addition to washing your hands frequently and staying away from ill people, it is very important to eat the right foods. Foods packed with the right nutrients can help you avoid getting sick. Here are five great foods that boost your immunity:
Garlic does more than just add delicious flavor to foods; it can also help fight against the cold and flu.
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