Insight To Help You Prepare For A Medical Spa Treatment

A medical spa treatment is a great way to focus on your own needs and how you can improve areas of your body and physical appearance. Whether you want to get a few Botox injections or enjoy a liposuction treatment for some of your body's problem areas, a medical spa—such as Regenesis MD—and its professional services can make the process easy and relaxing. Here are some tips to help you to prepare for an upcoming medical spa treatment service. Read More 

Pros And Cons Of Using Acupuncture To Treat Your ED

Erectile dysfunction can be really difficult to live with. Thankfully, there are a number of ways it can be treated. Some men choose to take prescription medications. Others benefit from herbal and natural remedies. Others choose acupuncture as a means of managing their ED. Should you give acupuncture a try, too? Consider these pros and cons as you decide whether to give it a shot. Pro: There aren't any side effects to worry about. Read More 

Ensuring Effective Breathing Patterns Following General Surgery

If you have been scheduled to undergo general surgery, then you will need to visit your doctor for your "pre-op" visit. At this time, your doctor will answer your questions and address your concerns. You may also need to undergo certain medical tests such as a blood chemistry profile, a complete blood count, and a chest x-ray to determine if you are healthy enough to undergo your surgical procedure. Here are some ways to help ensure that you will quickly reestablish an optimal pattern of breathing following your surgical procedure. Read More 

Pros And Cons Of Immunotherapy For Cancer Treatment

When you get a cancer diagnosis, your oncologist will give you a list of treatment options. One option with a good success rate is immunotherapy. This therapy isn't the same as chemotherapy, and many people tolerate it better. Your doctor can even do both therapies at the same time. If you want to know more about the pros and cons of immunotherapy, keep reading to learn more about this type of cancer treatment. Read More 

Understanding Pediatric Rehabilitative Care And How It Can Benefit Your Child With Scoliosis

If your child has received the diagnosis of scoliosis, you may feel fearful of the future and wonder what the diagnosis holds for your child's ability to lead a normal life. Obtaining care and therapy from a pediatric rehabilitation center can help put your mind at ease and provide you with a realistic view of the condition and treatment options available for your child. The diagnosis When the spine develops a C-shaped or S-shaped curve rather than the normal straight position, a scoliosis diagnosis is determined. Read More