Whether you're into advanced birthing years, are taking medication that can make pregnancy less likely, or even were just born with low fertility, if you want to have a child (or multiple children), chances are good that you'll rely on a fertility drug at one point or another. But while your doctor may equate most fertility medications with the others, there are some subtle differences in how the drugs work and how they may affect your body.
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Taking care of elderly loved ones is a huge responsibility, and many families find themselves struggling with the idea of moving their parents or grandparents from their home and moving them into a home for the elderly. While many nursing homes feature dedicated staff and great facilities, there are many advantages they can't claim over in-home care. So if you are having difficulty deciding how to care for an elderly relative, take a look below at the three great benefits of in-home care.
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Becoming pregnant for the first time doesn't come with a manual or user's guide. That's why it pays to have a bit of help like a midwife. A midwife can serve as not only a helper, but a guide and friend before, during, and after your pregnancy. However, there are certain things to be on the lookout for when it comes to choosing the perfect midwife. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn about just a few things to look for when it comes to choosing your midwife.
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An important aspect of drug addiction treatment and outpatient therapy is mindfulness. Mindful thinking allows you to appreciate and live in the present, without getting distracted by past experiences or future assumptions. Many counselors and providers offer mindfulness practice, but there are some simple exercises that you can do on your own, and that can improve the quality of everyday life.
Practice mindfulness using the following techniques:
Positive imagery.
When stressful situations occur, it can lead to potential for relapse which makes it necessary to develop some coping strategies.
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Sleep apnea is a disorder in which your breathing slows down, is shallow, or stops intermittently while you sleep. This can cause you to be tired and moody during the day. It may lead to high blood pressure and heart disease if left untreated. Once you have been diagnosed, you may be required to use a machine that provides continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) to you while sleeping. However, sometimes, you may need to wear a CPAP chin strap to ensure the air from the machine is getting into your lungs.
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