Three Essential Requirements For A Vaccine Validation System
With the current ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, having a vaccine validation system is critical for a state to control and manage the course of the pandemic. Many leaders believe that developing robust vaccine validation systems in high-risk settings may make it possible and safer for the communities to interact freely, reopen businesses, and travel without risk of exposure. However, these validation systems may be susceptible to inaccuracies despite their benefits without a standardized approach and guidance. Building and installing a vaccine validation system that aligns with the vaccine prioritization standards is imperative to mitigate these risks. Here are three requirements of having a reliable vaccine system.
Real-Time Access
The worldwide impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has piqued people's interest in understanding whether they are in the vaccination database or not. Additionally, once they get vaccinated, they often wonder if they can access high-risk settings such as government buildings, traveling, and attending gatherings. Thus, an effective vaccine validation system with real-time access to information is suitable to avoid individuals getting sent home without knowing if they are a risk to the population. It allows the security in high-risk settings to quickly check their visitors' vaccination status through the security checkpoints allowing them access. Thus, the systems offer an efficient alternative to checking physical files manually.
Privacy and Security
Today, COVID-19 vaccine verification systems are justifiable in many institutions. Thus, like other systems, a vaccine validation system involves a technological database that needs to uphold the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations of privacy over people's data information. Since they incorporate computerized immunization systems, unlike paper records, these systems involve online documentation, which is often susceptible to theft and misuse. As such, these enterprises should install a vaccine validation system with installed firewalls to prevent cyber attackers from stealing data for their gain. They should also have antivirus software installations to protect data from viruses and malware that may manipulate or destroy it.
Vaccine validation systems should be flexible enough to use other options to validate one's status. For instance, some individuals dislike electronic verification and may often prefer the old-school way of verifying people, including paper documentation and photo IDs, to validate one's credentials. As such, the validation system should provide leeway for using paper vaccination records alongside photograph identification to accommodate such individuals. Here the client can be asked to show their ID, which security and organizations can use to check against existing vaccine vaccination databases, checking their registration and verification status.