Treatment Options For Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is a type of malignant growth that starts in the rectum or colon. Doctors group colon and rectal cancers together since they have many similar features. The first sign of colorectal cancer is the change in bowel habits. You may experience constipation, diarrhea, or a change in the consistency of your stool. Rectal bleeding and blood in your stool could also signify that you have colorectal cancer. When any of these symptoms arise, ensure your doctors screen you for any signs of malignant tissues before you conclude anything. You can also take comfort in the knowledge that cancer is curable if detected early enough. This article explores a few treatment options for colorectal cancer patients. 

Surgical Resection

Your doctor can recommend an operation in which they remove the tumor and the surrounding tissue. This method is the most common treatment option for colorectal cancer and effectively prevents cancer from spreading to other body parts. Even though a general surgeon can perform surgical resection, most people prefer talking to a specialist in colorectal surgery. Surgical oncologists and a proctologist may also help a lot during the surgery. In addition, you may explore some of the latest technologies in surgical procedures. For example, laparoscopic surgery involves incisions that are smaller than those made in regular colon surgery. This method helps you get rid of the malignant tissue and heal fast.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy treats other forms of cancer but is also applicable when dealing with colorectal cancer. The colorectal tumor recurs near the tissues where it started. Therefore, a radiation oncologist can recommend a radiation therapy regimen to destroy the cancer cells using high-energy x-rays. Doctors call radiation therapy for rectal cancer neoadjuvant therapy. If your doctors recommend radiation therapy, they use it in isolation or alongside other methods such as surgery. For example, neoadjuvant therapy helps kill the cancer cells that remain after surgery. You may also explore newer radiotherapy methods, such as total neoadjuvant therapy, which involves chemoradiation and chemotherapy a few months before surgery.

Experimental Treatments

Cancer treatment is an exciting field with most governments, non-profit organizations, private companies, and universities teaming to find solutions. This research could improve colorectal cancer treatment methods such as immunotherapy and the use of vaccines. The best approach to the experimental treatments is to consult with your doctor first. Ensure that you do not jeopardize the current treatment by seeking out experimental alternatives. You can also confirm that the experimental treatment method has the approval of different regulatory bodies in your country. 

You can treat colorectal cancer through surgery, radiation therapy, and experimental treatment methods. 
