5 Ways to Prepare for Your Weight Loss Resolution and Succeed
New Year's may be a fun time to celebrate with friends and loved ones, but it's also a time when most people promise themselves to improve their lives in one way or another. Unfortunately, promises to attain a healthy weight often fall by the wayside before February, leaving a person frustrated and still at a weight they're simply not happy with. Don't let that be you this year; be ready for the upcoming resolution, instead.
1. Eat Something Reasonable Before Going to Gatherings
Whether it's a party at your own home, the office or somewhere else, do not start the festivities on an empty stomach. Instead, grab a quick and healthy meal that'll prevent you from nibbling away on sugar cookies, yule log cakes, and other holiday goodies. Resisting such tempting treats will pump up your motivation for cutting calories in the New Year, along with preventing any holiday-related weight gain.
2. Keep In Mind How Fast This Year Flew By
It's actually easy to procrastinate in January, because it feels like you have an entire year ahead of you to meet the goals of the New Year. However, if you think back to last year, it probably seems like it was just a couple weeks ago. Don't allow yourself to procrastinate, which is just giving time permission to run away from you.
3. Ask That Friends and Family Not Gift You Apparel
Since your plan is to change your clothing size, by losing or gaining a few or more pounds, make sure you don't receive any apparel as holiday gifts. The more nice clothes you have, the harder it's going to be to fight for the newer size after you ring in the New Year.
4. Request A Gift Certificate To Your Favorite Clothing Store
A gift certificate you can use after you lose the weight you want is a fantastic way to celebrate the new you, along with providing a little extra motivation for when you reach that point. If you get multiple gift cards, all the better; if you meet your resolutions, you could use that money for an entire new wardrobe.
5. Buy Yourself a Stint at a Weight Loss Clinic
If you always seem to find yourself making the New Year's resolution to lose weight without ever really achieving it, consider buying yourself a seat at a weight management clinic. While it's not something you can put a sparkling gold bow on and set under your tree, it's still a marvelous present to give yourself and the programs and staff may be just the right extra help you need to finally set healthy goals. They'll offer a healthy, short-term plan to get you going with a realistic long-term program to keep you on the right track.
Celebrate the New Year with a new you, from the inside out. You must change your mindset, habits, and lifestyle to succeed at losing weight. Get the support you need from a weight loss center, your friends and family, and anywhere else you can find it. Contact a weight loss program to learn more.