The Vital Role Of Compounding Pharmacies In Dermatology
The appearance of one's skin can have a dramatic impact on perceived beauty and self-esteem levels. Dermatologists know that providing the highest level of care for skin ailments and conditions often requires the administration of medications. Relying on a compounding pharmacy to create these specialized dermatology compounds can be beneficial for patients seeking help from a dermatologists.
Here are three reasons why dermatology compounds play a beneficial role in the health and medical market today.
1. Skin is not universal.
Although the skin ailments and conditions treated by dermatologists can be similar from one patient to the next, the skin of these individual patients can vary greatly. Variations in skin type, tone, and texture can alter the delivery of vital medications needed to treat dermatological problems.
By relying on a compounding pharmacy to create medications prescribed, a dermatologists can easily adjust the dosage and delivery to ensure the medication works in unison with each patient's skin type.
2. Dosage needs can vary.
Administering the right dosage is critical when it comes to clearing up skin problems with as few side effects as possible. Without the help of a compounding pharmacy, a patient must rely on the standardized doses created by pharmaceutical companies. These standardized doses can pose a problem if the correct dosage for a patient lies somewhere between them.
A dermatologists must choose a lower dosage and risk compromising a patient's results, or choose a higher dosage and risk the patient suffering from unnecessary side effects. A compounding pharmacy can customize the dosage in each prescription to fit the unique needs of individual patients, making these pharmacies a valuable ally for dermatologists and their patients.
3. Ingredients can be controlled.
Standard prescription medications can come with fillers that help to aid in the delivery of the medication. These fillers may not pose a problem for many people, but dermatology patients can have skin sensitivities and allergies that make the use of fillers uncomfortable.
By utilizing a compounding pharmacy to fill prescriptions, a dermatologist can exercise greater control over the ingredients that go into each medication. The medications are created on a case-by-case basis, allowing a pharmacist to utilize ingredients that will deliver the same potent results without containing allergens.
Once you are able to recognize the vital role that compounding pharmacies play in dermatology, you will be able to ask your dermatologist to work with a compounding pharmacy to improve the quality of your medications in the future. Click here for info on this topic.